Recaps by Steve Martin, FIRST® Senior Mentor Maine
Week 0 Results
Congratulations to teams 58, 172, and 4041 that competed at Week Zero. Teams 4041 and 58 were selected and into playoffs. Team 58 was on the 7th seed alliance. The alliance lost their first match but won the rest until the finals. The alliance reached the finals and won the first round. The 2nd round was tie even with a technical penalty on the alliance for a team being late. The third and fourth rounds were very close but the alliance did not quite make it. Both teams had a triple balance!

Thanks to teams 58, 4041, and 4909 (Blake Burque’s team) and the Lockmans for helping with the field teardown and rolling and moving the Week Zero carpet which is it now at the GoFAR Innovation Center. Thanks to 172 and 5687 for help unloading the carpet at the Innovation Center.
I will be sending some lessons learned later. Meanwhile you can look at for some observations. There are a couple of good summaries in the thread.
Stephen Martin
FIRST® Senior Mentor Maine